[Tutor] regexp help

Botykai Zsolt zsolt.botykai at online.hu
Thu Sep 23 16:25:47 CEST 2004

csütörtök 23 szeptember 2004 16:14 dátummal Kent Johnson ezt írta:
> The code you have will read all input from stdin and process it at once.
> The regex will match everything from the first --==--==--==--==-- to the
> last, even spanning many lines. Is that what you want?

yes. these are not so big text file, with contents like this:

<some useless row>
<some useful rows or empty lines (where empty lines contains only \n or spaces 
and/or tabs + \n>
<some useful rows>
<some useful rows or empty lines (where empty lines contains only \n or spaces 
and/or tabs + \n>
<some useful rows>
<some useful rows or empty lines (where empty lines contains only \n or spaces 
and/or tabs + \n>
<useless rows>

AFAIK the first solution is to handle STDIN in a cycle and print process like 
you suggested, but I wanted to resolve this with regexp and without cycles.
So you are right, I wanted to match all the lines between --==--==--==--==--s 
except the above defined empty lines.



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