[Tutor] Problem to recognize string

W X Liu csmwxl at bath.ac.uk
Tue Sep 21 00:56:06 CEST 2004

Hi all,

I am writing a piece of program to interact with telnet, here is the program

import telnetlib
import sys 

a.read_until('Anarres II login:')
a.write(b+ "\n")
a.write(b+ "\n")
b=str('spam hi'+chr(15))
a.write(b+ "\n")
if a.read_until('hi'):
   b=str('spam hello')
   a.write(b+ "\n")

print a.read_all()

The question is that I want to wait for somebody to say 'hi' to this program 
instead of program itself. So it cannot recognize who said 'hi', everytime I 
run it, it will print doubly the 'hi', in fact I want this progran say hi and 
somebody replies it with saying 'hi', then program  say hello.

So anyone can help me to solve this problem? 


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