[Tutor] What GUI to use with python?

Kent Johnson kent_johnson at skillsoft.com
Wed Sep 15 14:11:59 CEST 2004

Tkinter and wxWidgets/wxPython are the main choices. I haven't done much 
with either but my impression is
- Tkinter is easier to get started with as a programmer
- Tkinter comes with Python so there is nothing extra to install
- wxPython has a greater selection of widgets and may be a better choice 
for a full-featured application.
- wxPython is harder to program for than Tkinter - there are at least two 
GUI toolkits built on top of wxPython aimed at making it easier to use - 
Wax and PythonCard.

You can also use Jython and Swing. I have written a few applications this 
way, but I think I would make the Jython/Python choice based on other 
factors than the GUI toolkit available.

If your needs are very modest (dialog boxes asking the user for various 
types of input) then EasyGui may be enough. http://www.ferg.org/easygui/

You might find these pages interesting:

BTW do you mean easy to use for the programmer or the user of the program?


At 11:22 AM 9/15/2004 +0200, Mark Kels wrote:
>I want to start with GUI programing,but I dont know which GUI package to use.
>I need it to bo easy to use and portable between Un*x and windows.
>any suggestions ??
>Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at python.org

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