[Tutor] Search text file, perform action if a given item found in file

Kent Johnson kent_johnson at skillsoft.com
Thu Sep 9 14:24:21 CEST 2004


First, I suggest you read the output of popen directly, you don't have to 
pipe it to a temp file. If you read it by lines, then you can process each 
line looking for the data you want.

For example:
 >>> import os
 >>> o=os.popen('netstat -an')
 >>> for l in o:
...   print l,

Active Connections

   Proto  Local Address          Foreign Address        State
   TCP                 LISTENING
   TCP                LISTENING
   TCP                LISTENING
   TCP               LISTENING
 >>> o.close()

Next you probably want to split() the line to divide it into fields. Then 
you can look at the specific fields. You might be able to use endswith() or 
find() to search for the port; in my example endswith(':25') for example 
would find the line with port 25. The details depend on what your data 
looks like.

Give this a try and let us know how far you get. Also it would be helpful 
to see an example of the output of netstat on your computer, it is 
different on Windows and MacOSX.


At 04:59 AM 9/9/2004 -0400, Eric wrote:
>Eric wrote:
>>This is my first project that I am starting to work on, and what I want 
>>to create is a program
>>that will alert me by sounding the system bell (beep) when a connection is
>>established to a selected TCP, or UDP port. It may not be the most 
>>usefull thing, but the
>>learning experience is what I'm after with all
>>Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at python.org
>Sent  that email  on accident without completing it..
>Anyway so far I have come up with this..
>import os
>PORT = int(raw_input("What tcp/udp should I watch for?: "))
>os.popen('netstat -an>log.txt')
>LogFile = file('log.txt', 'r')
>logcontents = LogFile.read()
>print logcontents
>So far so good.  The "print logcontents" will print the output from the 
>netstat command. My question is this.
>I'm trying to figure out a way to search "logcontents" for the "PORT" 
>variable then perfrom a action if it finds
>a match.
>Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at python.org

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