[Tutor] CGI-version not working while similar command-line script is fine

Gerhard Venter s.venter at ntlworld.com
Mon Sep 6 16:05:44 CEST 2004

Yes, that's definitely it -thanks it works now.  Also, I learned from
your email how to look at stderr from Python.


Kent Johnson wrote:

> Ah. I tried it in IDLE and had the same problem. Using popen4() to 
> look at stderr, I found that lynx is not finding the .cfg file. Adding 
> that to the command line made it work:
> >>> i,o=os.popen4(r'C:\Downloads\Apps\LYNX\LYNX.EXE -dump 
> http://www.google.com')
> >>> o.read()
> '\nConfiguration file ./lynx.cfg is not available.\n\n'
> >>> os.popen(r'C:\Downloads\Apps\LYNX\LYNX.EXE 
> -cfg=C:\Downloads\Apps\LYNX\LYNX.CFG -dump http://www.google.com').read()

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