[Tutor] Turning a "script" into an "application"

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at freenet.co.uk
Thu Oct 28 00:43:07 CEST 2004

> my view is certainly biased. I just feel that a simple socket
> is very easy to implement, and avoids queues, locks, and other less
> familiar (for me) threading concepts.

I would back this up.
A lot of FUD has been created around the mysteries of using sockets
- how hard "marshalling" is etc by the vendors of more modern rpc
tools. But in fact for a simple command based protocol sockets are
as easy as using pipes (which would be another even easier option!).
You just read and write strings and parse the strings, which for
a known, fixed protocol is easy.

> I'm glad we could have such civilized discourse on the topic; I'd
> to point out here that this list has been excellent in the short
> I've been reading it. I think it's good that we're exposing the pros
> and cons of each approach.

This is one of the wonderfuil things about tutor - its invariably
polite and it encompasses a huge range of experience both over time
and technology.

Alan G.

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