[Tutor] Re: Tutor Digest, Vol 8, Issue 67

Michael Dunn Michael.Dunn at mpi.nl
Fri Oct 22 09:49:41 CEST 2004

> Message: 9
> Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2004 20:29:42 -0400
> From: Kent Johnson <kent_johnson at skillsoft.com>
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] Re: processing lines and polygons
> Michael,
> The problem with snap-to-grid is you can still have two points that are
> close but snap to different grid points. Maybe you could put all the points
> into a sorted list and go through it looking for points that are close? If
> the list contained the point and the list containing the point, you could
> merge them...
> Kent

Hi Kent,

Yeah, the problem with points snapping to different grid points occurred to me
before I got too far, so I went with just iterating through the list of
endpoints searching for near points (I specifically don't want to join any
lines by their middles, which makes the task easier). Current problems:

1. This search is very slow, which is only a bit of a problem, since I don't
need to run this script many times once it's working. However, maybe you (or
anybody else interested) could take a look at the get_distance function. There
must be some way of sorting the list of points so I don't have to iterate
through the entire thing.

2. The endpoint matching routine fails if a segment should be matched at both
ends. I think I can get around this by filtering the data through the script a
few times (i.e. until no further changes are made) before doing the format

Here's where things stand:

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Take matlab/splus or mapgen vector and join broken lines
Input data from: http://rimmer.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/coast/getcoast.html"""
import re, sys
from math import sqrt

class Sequence:
    _trace = False # append list of contributing input sequences to output
    output_format = "matlab" # matlab, mapgen, mif (MapInfo Interchange Format)
    distance = 0.005 # join open ends <= Sequence.distance

    def __init__(self, segment):
        self.points = [tuple(point.split("\t")) for point\
                in segment.strip().split("\n")]
        self.start = self.points[0]
        self.end = self.points[-1]
        self._history = []

    def append(self, other):
        # only called if self is already in the output_sequences list
        # reverse the candidate sequence if necessary
        if get_distance(self.start, other.start) <= Sequence.distance or\
                get_distance(self.end, other.end) <= Sequence.distance:
            other.start, other.end = other.end, other.start
        # do the join
        add_key, remove_key = None, None
        if self.start == other.end:
            self.points = other.points[:-1] + self.points
            add_key, remove_key = other.start, self.start
        elif get_distance(self.start, other.end) <= Sequence.distance:
            self.points = other.points + self.points
            add_key, remove_key = other.start, self.start
        elif self.end == other.start:
            self.points = self.points + other.points[1:]
            add_key, remove_key = other.end, self.end
        elif get_distance(self.end, other.start) <= Sequence.distance:
            self.points = self.points + other.points
            add_key, remove_key = other.end, self.end
        # close up near-polygons
        if get_distance(self.points[0], self.points[-1]) <= Sequence.distance and\
                self.points[0] != self.points[-1]: # close but not coincident
        # update endpoints dictionary
        if self.points[0] == self.points[-1]:
            try: endpoints.pop(s.start)
            except KeyError: pass # I don't understand why this exc. is called
        if remove_key:
            try: endpoints.pop(remove_key)
            except KeyError: pass # Likewise...
        if add_key:
            endpoints[add_key] = self
        self.start = self.points[0]
        self.end = self.points[-1]

    def __str__(self):
        if Sequence.output_format == "mif":
            divider = "PLine\n   %s" % len(self.points)
        elif Sequence.output_format == "matlab":
            divider = "NA NA"
        elif Sequence.output_format == "mapgen":
            divider = "# -b"
        if Sequence._trace:
            divider = "%s <-- %s" % (divider, str(self._history))
        s = [divider]
        for point in self.points:
            s.append("%s\t%s" % point)
        return "\n".join(s)

def get_distance(a, b):
    (ax, ay), (bx, by) = a, b
    return sqrt((float(ax)-float(bx))**2 + (float(ay)-float(by))**2)

def get_nearest(value, points):
    # print >> sys.stderr, "Checking for nearest point to", value
    try: nearest_point = points[0]
    except IndexError: return (0,0)
    distance = get_distance(value, nearest_point)
    for point in points[1:]:
        if get_distance(value, point) < distance:
            nearest_point = point
            distance = get_distance(value, point)
    return nearest_point

endpoints = {}
output_sequences = []
mif_header = """version 3
Coordsys earth projection 1,104
Columns 1
  SEG_ID integer

if __name__ == "__main__":
    f = file(sys.argv[1], "rU")
    data = f.read()
    print >> sys.stderr, "Processing sequences"
    input_sequences = re.split("NA NA|# -b", data.strip())
    for i, s in enumerate(input_sequences[1:]):
        s = Sequence(s)
        start_snap, end_snap = None, None
        if s.start in endpoints.keys():
        elif s.end in endpoints.keys():
            start_snap = get_nearest(s.start, endpoints.keys())
            end_snap = get_nearest(s.end, endpoints.keys())
        # this fails if a new sequence should be joined at both ends
        # a possible workaround would be to filter the data through the program
        # a few times before converting to .mif
        if start_snap and get_distance(s.start, start_snap) <= Sequence.distance:
        elif end_snap and get_distance(s.end, end_snap) <= Sequence.distance:
            endpoints[s.start] = s
            endpoints[s.end] = s
    # print mif_header
    # Sequence.output_format = "mif"
    for s in output_sequences:
        print s
    print >> sys.stderr, "Original: %s sequences\nJoined: %s sequences" %\
            (len(input_sequences), len(output_sequences))

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