[Tutor] my own site-package

Branimir Petrovic BranimirP at cpas.com
Wed Oct 6 20:35:27 CEST 2004

> In your case, as Kent said, all you need to do is move your 
> module1.py 
> out of the subfolder and put it directly into site-packages.  
> Then you 
> can simply 'import module1' and not worry about having an 
> __init__.py or 
> whether you're injecting unnecessary names into your namespace. :)

To add another "angle" to this thread - I personally dislike disturbing
sacredness of Python's site-packages. Instead I tend to place my project
related modules in its own "Lib" folder right next to my "main script".
For instance say I have MyScript.py that is using (undisclosed) number
of custom (MyScript.py that is) related modules. I'd typically create 
structure like this:

	MyPyProject	(folder)
		+- MyScript.py (this is the "main guy")
		+- Lib (folder)
		    +- MyModule1.py
		    +- MyModule2.py

# FileName: MyScript.py

import sys, os

def addLibPath():
    """Add current script path and its Lib folder to system path"""
    scriptPath, libPath = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]),
    sys.path.extend([scriptPath, libPath])

if __name__=='__main__':
    addLibPath()            # know where to find your own library modules

    # The rest of your code referencing (your own) project related modules 
    # comes here:

    # ...

Of course - you can put your modules right next to Python's own, but
to me at least this somehow does not "sound" right nor proper...


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