[Tutor] String matching

Bernard Lebel python at bernardlebel.com
Fri Nov 26 17:07:15 CET 2004


I'm a little bit confused about the match/search methods of the string 
module for regular expressions. I have looked the regular expression doc 
and I can't that one simple answer.

So please excuse the basiqueness of my question, as I am used with the 
.match method of JScript and it kind of matches anything....

Let say I have this string:

 >>> import re
 >>> mystring = 'helloworldmynameisbernardlebel'

Now I wish to attempt a match with 'bernard'.

 >>> if not re.compile( 'bernard' ).match( mystring ) == None:
... 	print 'success'

Well, nothing gets printed. Could anyone tell me how to achieve that 
simple type of matching?

Thanks in advance

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