[Tutor] multidemisional arrays

Jacob S. keridee at jayco.net
Fri Nov 19 03:13:00 CET 2004

I'm surprised that nobody has corrected the excessive code involved in the
first loop.

>howMany=input('How many artists will you enter? ')
>for i in range(0,howMany,1):
>    painting=raw_input('Painting Name ')
>    artist=raw_input('Artist Name ')
>    value=input('Painting Value ')
>    paintings+=[painting]
>    artists+=[artist]
>    values+=[value]
>    artists=zip(artists,paintings,values)
>    artists.sort()
>    i=i+1

You do not need to define i as 0, you do not need to increment i at the end
of loop, that is what
for i in range(0,howMany,1): means.
Also, you can shorten that to: for i in range(howMany):

>for n in range(0,howMany,1):
>    print artists[n]

If you want to figure this out as a learning experience, DO NOT READ ANY

I would do this.

def rfill(stri,length):
    if len(stri) < length:
        stri = stri+' '*(length-len(stri))
    return stri

howMany = input('How many artists will you enter? ')
artists = {}
for i in range(howMany):
    artist = raw_input('Who is the artist? ')
    painting = raw_input('What is the painting called? ')
    value = raw_input('What is the value of the painting? ')
    artists[artist] = (painting,value)
l = 15
a = rfill("Artist",l)
p = rfill("Painting",l)
v = rfill("Value",l)
print "".join([a,p,v])
for x in artists.keys():
    a = rfill(x,l)
    p = rfill(artists[x][0],l)
    v = rfill(artists[x][1],l)
    print "".join([a,p,v])

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