[Tutor] unittest: unbound method?

pan at uchicago.edu pan at uchicago.edu
Sun Nov 14 19:27:07 CET 2004

I have a class Ini that load a dictionary and save
to a config (ini) file. I was trying to write a test
using unittest (this is the first time I use it):

==== code starts =====

from panTools import Ini
class TestIni(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.name = {'First': 'runsun',
                     'Last' : 'pan'}
    def test_loadDict(self):
        Ini.load(self.name)   #<===========

if __name__ == '__main__':

==== code ends ====

When executed, it resulted in an error:

in test_loadDict
TypeError: unbound method load() must be called with Ini instance as first 
argument (got dict instance instead)

I read several unittest tutorials and they all use class.method,
not instance.method. What's going wrong in my code? 

Thx in advance.


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