[Tutor] Thanks-finally got it to work

brian illingworth blugerz at yahoo.com
Sun May 23 13:27:57 EDT 2004

Thanks for everyones help I finally got it to work:

#Limiting password atempts to three

count = 1
password = ""

while not password and count < 3:
    password = raw_input("Please enter your Password:
    count += 1
if password == "secret":
        print "Welcome in."
elif raw_input("Please enter your Password: "):
     count += 1 

    count == 3
    print "Try again later when you remember your
raw_input("Press enter to exit.")

It may not be the perfect way, but it is finally doing
what I want it to.  Time to move on to the next one,
and I am sure I will have more questions.

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