[Tutor] Setup.py in program install

Isr Gish isrgish at fastem.com
Sun May 16 11:50:49 EDT 2004

Thanks Danny,

Now I know that it needs to be run with a command of "install". That was where I  was unClear. I hAd try running it without anything. Thanks3

All the best,

-----Original Message-----
   >From: "Danny Yoo"<dyoo at hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu>
   >Sent: 5/16/04 4:56:03 AM
   >To: "Isr Gish"<isrgish at fastem.com>
   >Cc: "tutor at python.org"<tutor at python.org>
   >Subject: Re: [Tutor] Setup.py in program install
   >On Sun, 16 May 2004, Isr Gish wrote:
   >> I find some programs that have a setup.py in them. But wasn't able to
   >> figure out how and if it's to be used. If someone can explain it, or
   >> point me to where I can find an explanation, I would appreciate it.
   >Hi Isr,
   >Here you go:
   >    http://docs.python.org/inst/inst.html
   >'setup.py' is a hook into the distutils third-party module installer;
   >Python provides a nice way to install third-party modules.  The 'setup.py'
   >defines a bunch of metadata (author, web site, version, etc...) as well as
   >the relevant files that need to be copied to make the module work.
   >Here is an example of a setup.py file (actually taken from the Distutils
   >setup (name = "Distutils",
   >       version = "1.1",
   >       description = "Python Distribution Utilities",
   >       author = "Greg Ward",
   >       author_email = "gward at python.net",
   >       maintainer = "A.M. Kuchling",
   >       maintainer_email = 'amk at amk.ca',
   >       url = "http://www.python.org/sigs/distutils-sig/",
   >       license = "Python",
   >       long_description = """\
   >A collection of modules to aid in the distribution and installation of
   >Python modules, extensions, and (ultimately) applications.  A standard
   >part of Python 2.x, but also distributed separately for use with
   >Python 1.5.""",
   >       # This implies all pure Python modules in ./distutils/ and
   >       # ./distutils/command/
   >       packages = ['distutils', 'distutils.command'],
   >      )
   >So a 'setup.py' defines a lot of metadata, but it also defines what
   >directory packages should be copied over to 'site-packages' for proper
   >In the example above, when we run the 'setup.py' as a stand-alone program,
   >like this:
   >    $ python setup.py install
   >Distutils will read the definitions, and copy over the 'distutils' and
   >'distutils.command' directories over.
   >As I remember, we talked about this earlier in private email; you're
   >running WinCE, right?  I'm not so sure what the status of WinCE and the
   >Distutils is.  You may want to check with:
   >    http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/distutils-sig
   >and see what the status is with WinCE and the Distutils.
   >Good luck to you!

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