[Tutor] need help with first program

Brian van den Broek bvande at po-box.mcgill.ca
Mon Jul 26 00:10:58 CEST 2004

operate777 at adelphia.net said unto the world upon 25/07/2004 17:41:
> i've read the tutorial, but i still don't get whats spam and input.
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you really have to give people a bit more context for them to help you ;-)

Take a look at <http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html>. 
Really. (It is one of the things I suggested in my reply to your previous 

"spam" is nothing more than python people's way of saying "some stuff 
here" or "replace this with something meaningful to your context". Its 
just a placeholder with a conventional name so you can tell you aren't 
supposed to literally use it. Most languages use "foo" and "bar" in their 
examples, but python folk like "spam" because of a Monty Python sketch 
involving that word. (This will also account for the occasional reference 
to lumberjacks and the Spanish Inquisition ;-)


brian vdB

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