[Tutor] Re: algorithm?

Lee Harr missive at hotmail.com
Tue Jul 20 23:41:09 CEST 2004

>I am working on a web site development project and need to create
>a script that would add
>comments to the page that anyone can fill out.(something like a
>discussion board)
>Since I am want to develop this script from scratch using python ,
>I was wondering if anyone
>has any good ideas as to how to go about with the same.
>Basically the user would fill out his/her comments in a form and
>they would have to be
>appended to the page at a specific place.

Have you ever created a web application before?

If not, I would suggest the first thing you want to do is set
up some kind of server (might be a SimpleHTTPServer from the
python base system, or you might want to use twisted from
http://www.twistedmatrix.com/) and see if you can

1. display a page
2. display a form
3. get form data returned from the form
4. return another page
5. display form data returned from the form

Once you can do those things you will be well on your way
to creating your script.

Other than that ... you will need to be much more specific
with your questions in order for us to help (and include the
code that you are using so that we can see what it is
exactly that you are trying to do ...)

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