[Tutor] web applications??

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at blueyonder.co.uk
Mon Jul 19 23:58:19 CEST 2004

> Is it possible to just execute my wxpython application from our

Unfortunately not, wxPthon is a "fat client" llibrary, that is it runs
on the PC not in a browser. You will need to reimplement the
as a web app using Web(HTML) forms and CGI or some other web type
technology. If you have many thousands of users hitting the site at
once consider something like Zope but if its only a few dozen cgi
will be fine.

> do I need to write the application in some sort of web-python

Any CGI type application will work.
Or if it's not too complex (a single form say) then you could
it as JavaScript and let it run on the client browser. Your biggest
may actually be designing the HTML forms although many GUI web page
designers can handle forms - FirstPage, HoTMetaL and others can do
for you.


Alan G.

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