[Tutor] taking Python to next level

Brian van den Broek bvande at po-box.mcgill.ca
Sun Jul 18 10:10:20 CEST 2004

Danny Yoo said unto the world upon 18/07/2004 03:44:


>>Any recommendations for projects which provide good models? (I get that
>>it would be best to read code in an application area that interests me,
>>but I also think my request to be harder to accommodate if I pile on
>>conditions ;-)
> Orbitz mentioned the Quotient project, which I'm not familiar with at all.
> It sounds interesting, though!
>     http://www.divmod.org/Home/Projects/Quotient/
> The 'Twisted' network framework itself is getting some really high praise
> from folks here; it might be interesting to look into that.  I dunno; do
> you have a particular application area that interests you?
> (Personally, I'm planning to look into Chandler:
>     http://www.osafoundation.org/
> but that's partially because I'm always losing track of information; a PIM
> would probably help me.  *grin*)

Hi all,

thanks for the suggestions, Danny.

Chandler interest me a lot -- the personal itch I'd like to program a 
scratch for is PIM-related. (I've made a start, but I'm quite a while from 
feeling I've anything to speak of.)

But Chandler seems to gigantic for a first real 'code read'. Also, when I 
downloaded 0.2, it seemed like a lot of MB little (obvious to the user) 
functionality. Something closer to a working product seems a better idea.

FWIW I've seen (in the sense of 'read the web page') a couple of other 
Python PIM's:


Thanks again,

Brian vdB

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