[Tutor] ebooks for python?

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at blueyonder.co.uk
Thu Jul 8 13:13:31 CEST 2004

> Hi, I had been searching on the net for the python ebooks but there
> don't seem to be any of them.

Not sure about proper ebooks but there are several Python web
available to download and several in PDF format.

My own web tutor is available in HTML(zipped), PDF, Palm DOC format
The PDF(*) and Palm versions are quite old, the HTML version is the
current edition. Hopefully by August the new all singing tutor will
be ready with both HTML and PDF for download...

Other downloadable resources include

Dive Into Python
Text processing in Python(??)
Bruce Eckel's Python pages (I think?)

Also lots of sample chapters at verious publisher sites
And of course there is the official dpocumentation too.

It should keep you reading for quite a while.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

(*)The PDF version seems to have gone missing, I'll try to reinstate
that later this week!

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