[Tutor] Rounding to n significant digits?

Gregor Lingl glingl at aon.at
Mon Jul 5 00:10:50 CEST 2004

Hello Dragonfirebane!

You have to start the code from the commandline:

Do you run windows?
- Open a MSDOS-Window
- go to the directory, where the program, say: contest.py, is
- be sure that Python is in your path

then write something like:

C:\mycode> python contest.py 1526985643

and you will get the output. The integer
1526985643 (or any other one) is the input
to the program and (automatically) stored in sys.argv[1]

(I think argv stands for argument-vector)

C:\mycode> c:\python23\python.exe contest.py 1526985643

If python isn't on your path you have to write something like:

Alternately you can use the Pythonwin IDE, where you can input
arguments to a program in a special dialog when you run it.

If all this doesn't work for you, last resort is to
replace sys.argv[1] directly by the input-string:

for c in "1526985643":

HTH, Gregor

Dragonfirebane at aol.com schrieb:

> I tried out your code (for the contest) and it says that there is no 
> sys.argv[1] (List index out of range). When i try it with sys.argv[0] 
> it says "invalid literal for int(): C".
> Email: dragonfirebane at aol.com
> AIM: singingxduck
> Programming Python for the fun of it.

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