[Tutor] Re: do pythons like coffee?

Lee Harr missive at hotmail.com
Sat Jan 31 13:40:43 EST 2004

>>>I am studying JavaScript of late. And it occurs to me that a script
>>>pumping out a webpage might use a little javascript in it for assorted
>>>nefarious purposes. Anyone familiar with the friendlyness of these two
>>>unlikely bedfellows?
>>I guess my response would be ... it is no more dangerous than serving
>>a plain text file with a malicious javascript on it.
>>The nice thing about server-side scripting (and why I prefer it to the
>>client-side scripts) is that it's all the same to the browser. On the
>>server it might be pulling in pieces from all over the place -- templates,
>>scripts, configuration files, environment variables -- but in the end it
>>sends out a stream of bytes and the client just sees it as a file.
>I use javascript most commonly for POSTs that look like hyperlinks (GETs).  
>javascript is embedded in the href attribute of the anchor tag, sets
>some variables and calls the form's submit function.

Right. That goes to my point... On my main browser, I have javascript
completely disabled. I find it really annoying when I get to a link that
looks like a regular link, but does nothing unless javascript is

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