[Tutor] Cgi Fieldstorage cant get quotes-Solution

Conrad Koziol arkamir at softhome.net
Fri Jan 23 17:56:09 EST 2004

Thanks a lot Kirk Bailey for the help. Heres the final solution:

class Form_filter(Top):
	def __init__(self):
		super(Form_filter, self).__init__()
	def filter(self):
		illegal = {r'"': r'\"', r"'": r'\''}
		regex = re.compile('|'.join(map(re.escape, illegal.keys())))
		for item in self.dict.keys():
			self.dict[item] = regex.sub(lambda match: illegal[match.group(0)],

I think my email client is going to mess it up. :(
It basically the Replacing multiple patterns in a single pass Cookbook
recipe wiht a slight modification. Self.dict is where i store my form
values.There basically the fieldstorage values put into a dictionary for
easier use.

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