[Tutor] Python vs. C

Peter Jakubowicz beyondthezero at earthlink.net
Tue Jan 6 23:55:06 EST 2004


I was talking with a friend who works as a programmer, and I mentioned that 
I was interested in learning C because it was faster than Python. And he 
asked me why it was faster; and I said because it's compiled and Python's 
interpreted; but he pressed me and I couldn't really say why C's being 
compiled makes it faster. And my friend left me to wonder about this: why 
is it faster? Intuitively, it makes sense to me that a language like 
assembly would be faster because I believe you can manipulate the chipset 
or whatever directly. Is that why C is faster, too? I am wondering about 
this because my Python programs are getting bigger, and occasionally I 
wonder if I want to learn C too. Plus, I've gotten to like programming 
enough that I learning another language would be fun. Or maybe I should 
just work on making my Python code more efficient or whatever? Anyway, if 
anyone knows the specific details of why C is faster or can point me to 
somewhere I can read about it I'd appreciate it. Thanks,


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