[Tutor] ImportError: No module named klg..

Vishwavasu.Chobari at utstar.com Vishwavasu.Chobari at utstar.com
Mon Jan 5 08:25:56 EST 2004

      I am Vishwa working with JCChart to create a PIE chart.
I have the following two lines in my code to use JCChart.

from com.klg.jclass.chart import *
from com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChart import *

Despite setting the python.path, python.home, sys.path et al to the jar file that contains these classes,
I get the error -

01/05/2004 18:36:16 (E) PythonScript: exception: Traceback (innermost last):
  File "schema\standard\Jobs\scheduledReports\generatePPPStatistics.py", line 23
, in ?
ImportError: No module named klg

Any clues?

Thanks in advance.

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