[Tutor] using wxSPlashScreen?

chekuri at uchicago.edu chekuri at uchicago.edu
Fri Feb 27 13:28:33 EST 2004

I had been referred to lib/splashscreen class in response to a previous 
question on creation of splash screen.The documentation states that the
class has been deprecated.I am trying to use wxSPlashScreen class to 
create a splash Screen.

Here is what I have come up with so far.

Help me out with understanding the inheritance in python
 by this practical example.

#import all modules from wxPython
from wxPython.wx import *

#define a class SplashScreen that inherits wxSplashScreen
class SplashScreen(wxSplashScreen):
# Default =  defined default value for the given variable
  def __init__(self,bitmapfile,splashStyle,milliseconds,parent,id,
                pos = Default,size = Default,style = Default):
            #I am calling the __init__ method of wxSplashScreen as the-
            #constructor is not inherited automatically
            # Although wxWindows defines the constructor as receiving 
            #a wxBitMap object as first argument Can we use a
            # bit map file string?


class splashApp(wxApp):
  def OnInit(self):
    #make an instance of SplashScreen)
    splash = SplashScreen("file.bmp",wxSPLASH_CENTER_ON_SCREEN_,6000,None,-1)
    return true

def main():
 appinstance = splashApp(0)

if__name__ == '__main__'

My questions?
while running in debug mode, it says wxSPLASH_CENTER_ON_SCREEN is not
but it is a valid argument in wxWindows
How do I set up a bit map into the splash screen
Does any one have an example of using the wxSplashScreen class;
not the one in lib/splashscreen which apparently is deprecated.

Some of these might be basic but I am new to python and have programming
experience in c (only a quarter worth)

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