Re: [Tutor] Putting a system call into an re.sub()

Magnus Lycka magnus at
Thu Feb 19 04:29:09 EST 2004

You seem to be confusing os.system('tput smso') with
os.popen('tput smso').read(). os.system only returns
an exit status. That's the reason that you get that
integer + string error. os.popen returns a file
handle containing the output of your command.

On the other hand, you don't really need tput. You just 
insert ANSI color codes, right? See e.g. these references:

-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: Nick Lunt <nick at>
Skickat: 2004-02-18  21:12:13
Till: tutor at
Ämne: [Tutor] Putting a system call into an re.sub()

> Hi list,
> I'm trying to work out how to perform an re on some text, then when it
> finds the search pattern to print out the whole line but make the
> pattern highlighted using the tput command (linux system).
> Here's a quick example of what I'm trying to achieve, where fl is any
> file.
> - code -
> 1. bold = os.system('tput smso')
> 2. norm = os.system('tput rmso')
> 3.
> 4. for line in fl.readlines():
> 5.   match =
> 6.   if match:
> 7.      print pat.sub(pattern, bold + replace + norm,line)
> -- end code --
> Here's the output I'm getting:
> - output -
> print pat.sub(pattern, bold + replace + norm, line)
> TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'
> - end output -
> Which is understandable seen as I'm trying to add different types.
> So I replaced the + signs with commas and got this:
> - output -
> - end output -
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "./", line 29, in ?
>     print pat.sub(replace, (bold, replace, norm), line)
> TypeError: an integer is required
> Obviously Im having problems here so any pointers would be appreciated.
> I've studied the re docs on and tried to find out more from
> the book 'Text Processing in Python'.
> It's simple to do in the shell and in perl, so I'm sure there's a simple
> way in python ;)
> Many thanks
> Nick.
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