[Tutor] Using python for building dynamic websites

John Miller jmillr at umich.edu
Mon Feb 9 13:10:13 EST 2004

I suggest looking at Spyce, which works with modpython & fastcgi, and 
uses Cheetah for the templating:


John Miller

On Feb 9, 2004, at 11:49 AM, "RenderPipe" <renderpipe at speedpost.net> 

> Yesterday I was looking around all of the options for building a 
> database
> driven website with python and my head is spinning with all of the
> options. I installed mod_python on my linux computer and ran the test
> script in the manual and it works although it doesn't appear as 
> straight
> forward as I thought. I'm starting to really like python and really 
> don't
> want to go back to php unless I have to.
> Here's what I would like to do.
> Write my code in python.
> Call a template file
> Output the data from my python and template file to the browser
> Some areas of the site I would like to output static html files from my
> python/template code.

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