[Tutor] Maths (slightly OT)

Gerrit Holl gerrit at nl.linux.org
Tue Feb 3 13:18:43 EST 2004

philip gilchrist wrote:
> My Son has challenged me to name a few careers that would use Maths
> exponents and all the calculations in them as a way of getting out of
> learning them. Obviously, programming and basically anything to do with
> Computers is foremost in the answer, but I was hoping that you studious
> types would be able to supply me with more than the obvious answer.
> Hoping to hear from all the career people that can use Mathematical
> Calculations on a regular basis.

Physists use a lot more math than computer people.
I'm only in my first year of a Physics course, but to name a popular
example, you can't send a rocket into the space without a **lot** of


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