[Tutor] How to put my functions in an array

Mohamed Lrhazi mohamed at your-site.com
Thu Dec 30 14:40:25 CET 2004

On Thu, 2004-12-30 at 03:08, Alan Gauld wrote:

> I'm slightly confused about why you need to do this?
> You create a list of names (PROVISION_ACTIONS), then 
> you add the corresponding functions to a dictionary 
> by looking the names up in the globals dictionary. 
> But since uyou know the names of the functions why 
> not just add them to the actions list in the first place?


I know I know... I dont know what am doing :)

I am writing a little web application, with my PHP brain... uri's like:
?action=addvirt ?action=remvirt and so on....

In PHP, I'd have a swtich action, case 'addvirt': addvirt()
I know Python can do better, so I wanted to replace that huge if elif
elif... with:

if we have a handler for the action, duh, call the action... so in a
module (a file) I have all these functions defined... at the end of that
file, I have:

for verb in ('addvirt','remvirt',):
  except KeyError

Now in my Nevow code where I handle the incoming request:

if action:
			return formhandlers[action](context)
		except KeyError:
			return T.div(_class='error')['Unsupported Action Requested:

I realize now that I dont even need a array(dictionary) to hold the
references to my fucntions... they are always there, and I can try to
access them anytime, except for KeyErrors where I'd know I did not write
that handler yet :)

Thanks all...

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