[Tutor] Could I have used time or datetime modules here?

Liam Clarke cyresse at gmail.com
Mon Dec 6 01:25:38 CET 2004

Hi Dick, 

import datetime

OK = 0
while not OK:
   wakeup=raw_input( "enter time in 24 hour format for alarm - in this
format HH:MM:SS")
    if len(wakeup) == 3:
        if -1 < int(wakeup[0]) < 24  and -1 < int(wakeup[1]) < 60 and
-1 <  int(wakeup[2]) < 60:
            OK = 1

# Above loops until valid input is received.

secIncre = datetime.timedelta(seconds=1) 
workingObj = datetime.datetime.now() 
#Inits datetime.time(hours, minutes, seconds)
seconds = 0

while workingObj.time() ! = idealTimeObj:
       workingObj += secIncre #Increase workingObj by one second
        seconds += 1

print seconds

That should, in theory, give the number of seconds between the current
time, and the desired time.

Of course, if you used a datetime.datetime object, and asked your user
to set the desired date, you could use -

desiredDateTime = datetime.datetime(year, month, day, hours, minutes seconds)

difference = desiredDateTime - nowDateTime

print difference

x days, y hours, q minutes, r seconds.

totalSec = (x*86400)+(y*3600)+(q*60)+r

Of course, getting x, y, q, and r is a bit  finicky,

Or, for your purposes - 

curDateTime = datetime.datetime.now()
wakeup=raw_input( "enter time in 24 hour format for alarm - in this
format HH:MM:SS")

#Going to assume that valid input was entered
for element in wakeup:
      t = int(element)

desiredDateTime = curDateTime.replace(t[0], t[1], t[2]) #hours,
minutes, seconds

if curDateTime > = desiredDateTime:     
#As both times will be on same day, if desired time is previous to
current date, then make it #time for next day.
       desiredDateTime += dayIncre

difference = desiredDateTime - curDateTime

#Now do some sort of split of difference, as difference will be in x
days, y hours, m minutes, #s seconds format. As I said, I have no
interpreter so I can't check this out.

So yeah, that's a couple of different ways I'd do it using datetime,
but someone else will no doubt do it better and simpler.


Liam Clarke

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