[Tutor] The case of the missing close

Isr Gish isrgish at fastem.com
Wed Dec 1 04:04:06 CET 2004

Hi Robert,

-----Original Message-----
   >From: "Robert, Andrew"<ARobert at MFS.com>
   >Sent: 11/30/04 11:05:57 AM
   >To: "tutor at python.org"<tutor at python.org>
   >Subject: [Tutor] The case of the missing close


   >The problem is in closing the connection.
   >No matter what I try,  I receive an error stating that the name is not
   >I receive an error such as:
   >Traceback (most recent call last):
   >  File "M:\My
   >Documents\python_code\oracle\maestrodev_oracle_connector.py", line 55,
   >in ?
   >    db_utils.close()
   >AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'close'

The traceback is telling us exactly wats wrong. In the db_utils module you don't have a function called close. Therfore, when you call db_utils.close() it gives you an error.

You probebly have to call close on the connection. But here I realy don't know anything about connections, so i cant help.

All the best,

   >Does anyone have any ideas on how to properly close the connection?
   >The db_utils module code is a rather short
   >def dbopen(db,uname,passwd):
   >    #
   >    # Import required system modules needed specifically for function
   >    #
   >    import cx_Oracle
   >    #
   >    # Connect to remote database
   >    #   
   >    connection = cx_Oracle.connect(dsn=db,user=uname,password=passwd)
   >    #
   >    # Return cursor object to calling program
   >    #
   >    return(connection.cursor())
   >The code that calls the db_utils module is
   ># File name: maestrodev_oracle_connector.py
   ># Author: Andrew Robert
   ># Date: 11/26/04
   ># Modification History
   ># Version          Programmer                   Description
   ># 1.0               AAR                          Creation
   ># 1.1               AAR                 Shift database opens to called
   ># 1.2               AAR                 Fixed database link close - now
   ># Note on modules
   ># The imported db_utils module was designed by AAR to make standard
   ># routines available to all python programs as callable functions.
   ># Called functions are prefaced with the module name and then the
   ># within the module.
   >import sys,db_utils
   ># Make connection to Oracle development database and assign to object
   >print 'Establishing connection to remote database\n'
   >cursobj = db_utils.dbopen('test_d','FOO','foo')
   ># Formulate sample querry
   >cursobj.execute('SELECT userid, name, role, desk_phone, pager FROM
   ># Extract querry results 
   >for row in results:
   >    print row
   ># Break connection to Oracle development database
   >print '\n\n\nDisconnecting from remote database'
   >raw_input("\n\n\t\tPress Enter To Continue")
   >Any help you can provide on this would be greatly appreciated.
   >Thank you,
   >Andrew Robert
   >Systems Architect
   >Information Technology 
   >Massachusetts Financial Services
   >Phone:  617-954-5882
   >Pager:   781-764-7321
   >E-mail:  arobert at mfs.com
   >Linux User Number: #201204
   >"MFS Relay Service" made the following
   > annotations on 11/30/2004 11:11:35 AM
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   >Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at python.org

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