[Tutor] Zope ZSQL/Python Question

KJZZ Webmaster kjzz.webmaster at riomail.maricopa.edu
Fri Aug 27 21:47:28 CEST 2004

I am trying to export the results of a zsql method to an excel file
(actually a tab delimited text file) using python.

Everything is working fairly well, except the columns for questions 4 and 5
in the table are of the list data type.
For instance, Question 4 looks like this:
  ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
  ['a', 'd']
depending on which answers a person chose.

In the export, I am looking to have columns and data for Question4a,
Question4b, Question4c, Question4d
and simply have empty tabs in place of an answer if there is no data.

My question is really that most colums in the database have a single value,
however these two columns contain a list.
How might I handle this?

Thanks for any advice you might have.

John Tynan - webmaster
KJZZ.org / KBAQ.or
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data = context.sqlGetAllSurveys()
container.REQUEST.RESPONSE.setHeader('content-type', 'text/tab-separated-values')
headings = 'Surveyid' + '\t' + 'Listenerid' + '\t' + 'Region' + '\t' + 'Firstname' + '\t' + 'Lastname' + '\t' + 'Updates' + '\t' + 'Question01' + '\t' + 'Question02' + '\t' + 'Question03' + '\t' + 'Question04a' + '\t' + 'Question04b' + '\t' + 'Question04c' + '\t' + 'Question04d' + '\t' + 'Question05a' + '\t' + 'Question05b' + '\t' + 'Question05c' + '\t' + 'Question05d' + '\t' + 'Question05e' + '\t' + 'Question06' + '\t' + 'Question07' + '\t' + 'Question08' + '\t' + 'Question09' + '\t' + 'Question10' + '\t' + 'Question11' + '\t' + 'Completed'
print headings
for i in data:
    print i.surveyid, '\t', i.listenerid, '\t', i.region, '\t', i.firstname, '\t', i.lastname, '\t', i.updates, '\t', i.question01, '\t', i.question02, '\t', i.question03, '\t', i.question04, '\t', i.question04, '\t', i.question04, '\t', i.question04, '\t', i.question05, '\t', i.question05, '\t', i.question05, '\t', i.question05, '\t', i.question05, '\t', i.question06, '\t', i.question07, '\t', i.question08, '\t', i.question09, '\t', i.question10, '\t', i.question11, '\t', i.completed, '\r',
return printed
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Surveyid	Listenerid	Region	Firstname	Lastname	Updates	Question01	Question02	Question03	Question04a	Question04b	Question04c	Question04d	Question05a	Question05b	Question05c	Question05d	Question05e	Question06	Question07	Question08	Question09	Question10	Question11	Completed
20040827032207 	1204 	flagstaff 	Ireta 	Keith 	None, thanks. 	No 	Fell in Tub 	5 	a 	b 	a 	a 	a 	b 	a 	a 	a 	Yes 	Yes 	Yes 	Yes 	Yes 	Kereoke Hour. 	completed 
20040827052106 	35 	phoenix 	Leora 	Mossman 	My name is Lenora. 	No 	Some Other Comment. 	1 	a 	d 	a 	a 	a 	f 	a 	a 	a 	Yes 	No 	No 	No 	Yes 	SomeComment 	completed 

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