[Tutor] Joe Strout's chat_server.py converted into a python tutorial

Steve lonetwin at gmail.com
Fri Aug 27 10:33:16 CEST 2004

    Sometime back I conducted short (two 2 hr. sessions) python
introduction course for some new-to-python-but-old-to-programming
youngsters. At the end of the course I wanted to give them an
assignment which was was simple enough for beginner pythoneers without
being too trivial. While searching the net for something like this I
stumbled across the python titbits page
(http://www.strout.net/python/tidbits.html) where I found the
chat_server.py script, which fit the bill perfectly and also inspired
me to take a different approach to creating programming assignments.
    Since I have always believed, reading code is as important as
writing code, I modified the script and added various questions and
requests for alternative approaches to solving problems in code that
has been written and designed by someone else without having to do a
total rewrite.
    This turned out to be an instant success, to say the least. The
students took up the thing as a challenge and best of all had fun
doing their assignment.
     I have now posted this script to the aspn cookbook site:
     Those of you who as learning python are welcome to give the
assignment a try. However, I request you to please mail back your
comments to either this list or post on the recipie page, since my
mailbox is always full with unanswered mail, you might not get an
immediate reply if you mail me.
      Those of you who teach python are welcomed to
use/modiify/comment-on the script.

PS: rate the script plz and increase my chances for the book ;-)

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