[Tutor] (no subject)

Ashkan Aliabadi master_knight at fastmail.fm
Tue Aug 24 10:08:18 CEST 2004

Hi threre, Last time I had questions, I got nice answers ... and
beileve me or not it had a great impression on me, I had the
feeling I'm not alone ;). I wanna thank you for all you
dedication to python and more importantly to computer science.
After all I admire your sense of humanity! And here is my new
question: How can I run a program in the background? As far as I
know DOS is a single task environment, so, can anything be run
in the background? If not how can it be done in UNIX? ummm, and
one more question: how can I compile python programs to .exe? I
thought compile module would do it, but it compiles python
programs to .pyc ... thanks special thanks to Mr. Danny Yoo for
answering my last question ;)
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