[Tutor] Questions on CGI script

Chad Crabtree flaxeater at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 22 18:46:25 CEST 2004

Ms Soo Chong wrote:

>Kent, thank you so much for your reply. I will take a good
>look of the cgi-shell and try it out tommorrow morning.
>I will send you the Server Error if I happened to meet it 
>again (hopefully NOT).
>Anyway, should I create another .html file for the form or
>type it in the script?
I almost always put the form in a separate html document.  However I 
must add that I prefer to put it in the cgi when the html code is not
big.  My main feeling for this is that I really hate scrolling up and

down the document when I need to look at different stuff.  The Html 
bloats the line size of the file.

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