[Tutor] Problem with file()

Kent Johnson kent_johnson at skillsoft.com
Sun Aug 22 14:56:44 CEST 2004

Instead of putting your package or module directly in the Lib foldor, it is 
customary to put code that you want to make available to all Python in 
Lib/site-packages. For example if you install a third-party library that is 
where it will go. This folder is added to your Python path automatically.


At 09:21 PM 8/21/2004 +0100, Bernard Lebel wrote:
>There is no file called ClientsManager.py. There is however a folder of that
>name, placed in the Lib folder. I added the folder path to the Python paths.
>It seems to work perfectly so far..... unless there are some traps I should
>be aware of?

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