[Tutor] Captain concrete writes again!

Kirk Bailey idiot1 at netzero.net
Sun Aug 22 00:34:42 CEST 2004

Yep, I'm still here, and it's time to write some software.

I just recovered from a disk drive wipe out thanks to a nasty virus that 
managed to get past my anti virus- the configuration was not 
sufficiently paranoid, and I lost a lot of stuff. Well, enough is 
enough, everything is going to get backed up onto my server. So I am 
taking the image unloader script for wikinehesa, and the image 
previewing script, and twisting both of them to suit to my evil intent- 
uploading and downloading any file I wish to/from one only predefined 
directory, 'archive' on a website of mine. While thinking of this, I 
thought the gang here might take some small interest in this for their 
own personal use.

Now as is, it handles files just fine, go one and only one directory, 
the /images dir. This is simple to change. And the inventory program 
creates links to IMAGES in the images dir- so I change it to show ALL 
images in the images dir, and it should sing nicely.

Binging it all together like your mother in law's best potato dumplings 
the next day is a simple html page with 2 forms- one to upload, one to 
download. Now the scripts are still on the slab in the lab, but this is 
the front end web page:

Now here is the interesting issue- one file, 2, or 3?

For instance, consider a script with NO input provided. It pops out the 
page that link displays. Give it a GET command of DISPLAY, the thing 
pops out a page with all the files as links. Give it a POST method, it 
establishes a connection and uploads the file, and pops out a display 
page- but this is a rather complex script and a total rewrite. Minor 
modifications of 2 existing scripts and the things get the job done 
quick and simple.

Anyone want to comment on this, make suggestions, evil lymerics, or just 
kick the can around?

-Blessed Be!
             Kirk Bailey

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