[Tutor] Problem with file()

Bernard Lebel python at bernardlebel.com
Sat Aug 21 22:21:51 CEST 2004

> > > You don't seem to have included the code containing the problem.
> The
> > > traceback shows the error occurring at line 104 of __init__.py and
> you
> > seem
> > > to have included ClientsManager.py.
> >
> > The code is from __init__.py. The module is called ClientsManager.
> Right now
> > there is only a __init__.py file, containing all classes and
> functions.
> I'm confused. How can the module name be different to the file name?
> And naming a file __init__.py is probably a bad idea since anything
> with two underscores usually signifies something from the innards
> of Python itself.
> Or have you stumbled across some deep black magic of python that
> I haven't seen before?!
> Alan G

I rather that this black magic is the result of my inexperience with Python.

There is no file called ClientsManager.py. There is however a folder of that
name, placed in the Lib folder. I added the folder path to the Python paths.
It seems to work perfectly so far..... unless there are some traps I should
be aware of?


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