[Tutor] Questions on CGI script

Kent Johnson kent_johnson at skillsoft.com
Sat Aug 21 14:44:06 CEST 2004


What are the details of the Server Error?

VoidSpace has a few CGI examples you could look at.
cgi-shell is very simple example - it creates a form with one entry field 
that accepts a shell command. When you submit the form it executes the 
command and shows you the result. 

nangram is a more complex example - 


At 08:53 AM 8/21/2004 +1000, Ms Soo Chong wrote:
>Thanks Kent for the useful example but I'm still having some problem.
>I tried the typing the code (from the webpage) and generate it, hope to 
>see some output
>and learn from there. But it shows Server Error on the web browser. (After 
>through the example - Writing CGI programs in python, I thought I 
>understand whats
>going on but in fact maybe not, since I still failed to generate a form 
>and output.)
>I wanna to display a text box where user type their query msg and a submit 
>box to
>process the query. Should I create another html file and open in read mode 
>in my actual script? Then,
>import cgi
>form = cgi.FieldStorage()
>It may be simple to alot of people but sorry I don't really understand the 
>of writing a cgi script. Can someone please help me by giving a simple 
>example on
>generating a search and displaying the result? Greatly appreciated.
>I have been trying for the past two days without bothering python tutors 
>but I still can't get it done. HELP.
>Thank you in advance.
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