FW: [Tutor] overloading object for printing?

Nick Lunt nick at javacat.f2s.com
Fri Aug 20 22:36:28 CEST 2004

Oops, I sent this directly to Alan by mistake, sorry Alan.


-----Original Message-----
From: Nick Lunt [mailto:nick at javacat.f2s.com]
Sent: 20 August 2004 21:35
To: Alan Gauld
Subject: RE: [Tutor] overloading object for printing?

-----Original Message-----
From: tutor-bounces+nick=javacat.f2s.com at python.org
[mailto:tutor-bounces+nick=javacat.f2s.com at python.org]On Behalf Of Alan
Sent: 20 August 2004 21:15
To: Joe Music; tutor at python.org
Subject: Re: [Tutor] overloading object for printing?

>Sorry, what does to_s() do exactly?
>Its not listed in any of my 3 Java books.
>At a guess the __repr__() or __str__() methods might 
>be what you want but without knowing what to_s() does 
>I can only guess.

This may be off topic, but to_s() is rubys version of pythons str()  :)


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