[Tutor] In need for some advice

Klas Marteleur klas.martelleur at telia.com
Mon Aug 9 19:54:35 CEST 2004

Hi again

I have just gone thrue Alan G's book and i think i am ready for some project 
of my own. I stumbled over a little file conversion project at work wich i 
thought could be a good start, and i need some help in the "right" direction.

This is what i want to do:
From our CAD system we get output files looking somewhat like file 
"output.txt" attached to this mail. It is possible to adjust the column witdh 
if nessesary from within the CAD (these values will be "locked" in the CAD 
when i found out what is best suited for my program.) It must understand 
"swedish" characters å, ä ö.

I want to convert the file to look like "inputToPDM.txt" attached to this 
mail, so i can import it to our PDM system (it only supports files formated 
like this one). It must understand "swedish" charakters å, ä, ö.

Then  ofcourse i want a little GUI which takes a input (a filename) and a 
output (a filename) :)

This is how i plan to do it:
1. Create a file named createEbomFromFile.py wich should take care of the 
actual work. The file should consist of a "class" "createEbomFromFile(self, 
inputFile, ouputFile). A couple of functions, one that reads the file to a 
list and splits it to correct portions (a word per list "item"), mayby some 
kind of filter function as well to remove unwanted characters, and one that 
prints the new formated list to a file that our PDM system understand.

2. Create a file named createEbomFromFileGui.py which imports 
createEbomFromFile and creates my slick Tkinter interface.

How does this sound? Am i being to complicated? I want to design this program 
myself but i need some Startup tips. Anyone has a example that reminds of 
this that he/she could share with me?

-------------- next part --------------
 Parent Name  Parent Revision  Child Name  Child RevisionQuantityFind NumberReference Designator        Remark         Usage   WP   PRP  
   03003365         AB          03003240         AC         1                        10                    -                   -     -   
   03003365         AB          03003358         AA         2                        9          Mtrl. spec.: 56-3239-47       YES    -   
   03003365         AB          03003359         AB         8                        8                     -                   -    YES  
   03003365         AB          03003360         AB         1                        7                     -                  YES   YES  
   03003365         AB          03003361         AA         2                        6                     -                   -     -   
   03003365         AB          03003362         AB         1                        5                     -                  YES   YES  
   03003365         AB          03003363         AB         1                        4                     -                  YES   YES  
   03003365         AB          03003364         AB         1                        3                     -                  YES   YES  
   03003365         AB         59-0763-00        1          16                       2                  DIN 934                -     -   
   03003365         AB         59-0781-00        1          16                       1                     -                   -     -   
-------------- next part --------------
Parent Name;Parent Revision;Child Name;Child Revision;Quantity;Find Number;Reference Designator;Remark;Usage;WP;PRP
03002094;AA;03002093;AA;2;20;9;Mtrl. spec.: 56-3239-47;;YES;-
03002094;AA;03002092;AA;16;90;2;DIN 934;;-;-

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