[Tutor] wxPython Gui notebook

firephreek firephreek at earthlink.net
Wed Apr 28 14:02:18 EDT 2004

Hey all, hoping someone can help me with this...

I want to start putting some of my apps into a GUI format so I can pass
them around the office etc..
Trying to learn wxPython, but I'm kinda confused on some of the class
implementation and window building.

If I want to put a 'notebook' into my window, do I first create a
wxFrame object to stick it into?  Or does the notebook come first, with
a frame inside it?  Which is higher up on the totem pole?  Or are they
the same?  Are there any other good tutorials?  I'm going through the
wiki, and that's fine, but it leaves some questions when I go through
the demo code that comes with wxPython.


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