[Tutor] exception question

Reggie Dugard reggie at merfinllc.com
Wed Apr 28 12:45:15 EDT 2004

On Wed, 2004-04-28 at 06:38, Danny Yoo wrote:
> [Completely off tangent: by the way, near the bottom of the 'cgitb' code,
> something looks really weird:
>        if self.logdir is not None:
>             import os, tempfile
>             suffix = ['.html', '.txt'][self.format=="html"]
> Is the condition for 'suffix' backwards, or am I reading this wrong?]

>From this fragment, it looks backwards to me as well (the list should be
['.txt', '.html'])
Reggie Dugard <reggie at merfinllc.com>
Merfin, LLC

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