[Tutor] math question

Danny Yoo dyoo at hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Fri Apr 23 13:48:43 EDT 2004

On Fri, 23 Apr 2004, Tim Peters wrote:

> Note that when you see "sqrt(2)**2" and think "ah, that must be 2!",
> you're not doing arithmetic at all in your head:  you're doing symbolic
> algebra, building on your knowledge about how the square root and square
> functions relate to each other (as inverses).  If you were doing
> arithmetic on paper instead, one operation at a time, you'd have exactly
> the same problem with losing information at each step (unless you had
> enough spare time to write down an infinite number of digits at each
> step <wink>).

Hi Chris,

There are some specialized systems that allow computers to do symbolic
algebra.  Mathematica is one of these:


and there's a Python library that can interface with Mathematica called


Mathematica isn't free, unfortunately.

There was another Python project to do symbolic algebra called Pythonica:


but I'm not so sure if it's still actively developed.

Good luck to you!

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