[Tutor] Python development-moving from Windows to Linux (finally)

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at blueyonder.co.uk
Thu Apr 22 16:17:43 EDT 2004

> > need to be somewhere in your $PATH, which specifies where the
> > looks for executables when you try to run them. So just add
> > /home/tony/bin to your $PATH variable.
> This is already in the path. It was a default, I didn't add it.
> This is why I don't understand why I need to use
> /home/tony/bin/myscript.py to run my scripts.

Have you changed the mode to executable with chmod?
Is Python in the PATH - ie if you type python does
the >>> prompt come up OK?

If yes to both the above what error exactly does the
shell give? Can you cut n paste a sample?

Alan G

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