[Tutor] On GUI's

Adam adam at monkeez.org
Wed Apr 21 12:56:31 EDT 2004

On Wed, 21 Apr 2004 11:02:29 -0400
"Crabtree, Chad" <Chad.Crabtree at nationalcity.com> wrote:

> I just wanted to make a comment about GUI programing.  I
> recently was trying to make a command line menu driven
> text console for a little project.  I found the
> complexities of that system greatly outwieghed the same in
> GUI's especially Tkinter.  I was just mentioning this for
> those people new to GUI programing that yes they are wierd
> but I believe all UI's are fiarly difficult to implement. 
> Especially as they become more feature rich.

Sorry. I'm new to the world of gui programming under python.
I'm not exactly clear on what you're trying to say here. Are
you saying that you found it more difficult to write a
command line menu? 


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