[Tutor] do: vs. while: (was: deleting CR within files)

Roger Merchberger zmerch at 30below.com
Mon Apr 19 18:01:05 EDT 2004

Rumor has it that Alan Gauld may have mentioned these words:

[[[ Dudez... I'm on the list, and I hopped out of this thread quite a while 
ago... ;-) ]]]

>>Is there such a thing as a do loop in Python?
>There's a while loop which will do anything a do loop can,

Not quite. IIRC, in VB and some other basics, there are both do/until 
loops, and while/wend loops. The difference is this:

while/wend loops are always evaluated at the beginning of the loop and run 
the "risk" of not get executing at all if the initial test is false; try this:

while 0:
   print "You will never see this."

whereas do/until loops are evaluated at the end and always execute, at 
least once, in pythonlike-parlance, it would look like this:

   print "you will see this anyway, even tho the test is false..."
   until 0   # Yes, I know this isn't python... it's an example, eh?

As previously posted, if you *gotta have* the do/until functionality, just 
use a while 1: loop, and put your test at the bottom of the loop with a 
breakout, like this:

while 1:
   print "You will see this once; maybe more depending on the test."
   if gitmeouttahere:

IMNSHO, I always thought having both a do/until and while/wend loop 
structures were overkill, as it was so easy to replicate one with the other...

>>done.  In my program I have a simple widget and need to initiate it before
>>my dialog pops up.  And then give the user the option to select more files
>>with the same widget.
>I think you are missing the point of event driven programming.
>When they press the widget it processes a file, if they press
>it again it processes another file, and so on.
>In other words you don't need a loop to do that. Or more to
>the point the Tk.mainloop() is the only loop you need.
>>I know that I need to use some kind of loop and in VB
>>a do loop would work best.  But what about in Python?
>You shouldn't need a loop in VB either!

*unless* he's referencing a multi-selectable combo box - then you're both 
correct. He doesn't need a loop to work the main structure of the GUI, but 
he will need some form of loop to work each of the files that's been 

Of course, that's the beauty of "for eachfile in mycombobox:" ;-)

As an aside, in VB, the "Tk.mainloop()" structure is implied - it's totally 
hidden from the user, so he may not understand why it's required in Python...

Anywho, HTH and HAND... ;-)
Roger "Merch" Merchberger

Roger "Merch" Merchberger   ---   sysadmin, Iceberg Computers
zmerch at 30below.com

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