[Tutor] Re: Web app in Python: alternatives to CGI?

Terry Carroll carroll at tjc.com
Sat Apr 17 23:22:22 EDT 2004

On Sat, 17 Apr 2004, Lee Harr wrote:

> You should look at Zope and Twisted (with nevow).

Thanks.  I should mention, it's not my web server, it's my ISP's.  I've 
never looked much into Zope or Twisted; can I install and use them without 
being sysadmin?

(I'm a minority user by using Python for CGI, I think, so I won't have 
any luck getting my sysadmin to install something new for one app of one 
user.  We're running Python 2.1, and Ive managed to get installing 2.3 on 
his to-do list, but it's a very low priority.  I ended up installing my 
own copy.)

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