[Tutor] Re: os.system() start an application / program

Andrei project5 at redrival.net
Thu Apr 15 12:39:01 EDT 2004

Funny, a virtually identical message appeared a few days ago and I even
answered to it :). Miguel, perhaps you should check the Tutor archives.

> I'm experimenting with os.system() to start another application in my pc.
> I have no problems with the following statement:
>     os.system("start C:\\MyDb1.mdb")
> A command box appears/ desappears and Access starts running.
> ***
> On the other hand the following statement doesn't work:
>     os.system("start C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\Iexplorer.exe")
> I'm as sure as I can be that this as something to do with either long file
> names or spaces in the dos command.
> If this is true this is not really a Python problem, but still is
> something probably alot of people encounter, so ther is probably a fast
> answer to my hair pulling problem :-)
> I'm running Python2.3 on MSW98 2nd.


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