[Tutor] Filter question

Danny Yoo dyoo at hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Tue Apr 13 15:31:48 EDT 2004

> (molecular dynamics output to visualizer input). I have set up the
> following filter, but it is not working. I don't receive an error
> message just a blank prompt at shell. Here is the code. I am trying to
> filter out any line the begins with I. I am using python 2.3.3. Thanks.
> Ara
> def filterFile(lmps, out):
>     inp = open("lmps","r")
>     outp = open("out","w")
>     while 1:
>         text = inp.readline()
>         if line == "":
>             break
>         if line[0] == 'I':
>             continue
>         outp.write(line)
>     inp.close()
>     outp.close()

Hi Ara,

There's a bug in the file opening code:

def filterFile(lmps, out):
    inp = open("lmps","r")
    outp = open("out","w")

The code, as written, is trying to open up a file that's literally named
'Imps' for reading.  It's also trying to open up a file that is literally
called 'out'.

Hope this helps!

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