[Tutor] mailing list archive reader

Lloyd Kvam pythontutor at venix.com
Tue Sep 30 12:00:24 EDT 2003

Your email program would hopefully do the job.  With luck you can simply
import the archive.  If importing doesn't work, let us know.

I am not sure how easy it would be to get the mailman archive management
up and working on your windows pc.  mailman was set up for apache and
sendmail in the rpm that I used to install it on my linux server.  While
you wouldn't care about the mail server part, you would need to get a
web server running in conjunction with mailman.  Hopefully importing
each archive into your email program as separate folders is feasible.

roy ollis wrote:

> is there a program that can read the mailing list archives from a local 
> flie and format them like the online options (ie date, thread, author).  
> i downloaded each months archies but the seem to be huge flat files with 
> alot of repition for threads.  i looked into mailman but evidently it 
> requires an expert to force it into windows and if i was an expret i 
> wouldn't need the list so much  ;) .im currently running xp on a 2.6 
> pentium if that matters.  and i have a glitchy dial up which is why i 
> want to run from the local files.  by the time i get reconnected during 
> high traffic times i lose my train of thought,  very bad for the 
> untrained mind.  thanks for any help/pointers.  i'm still at the raw 
> newbie stage learning python as a first comp language so make it for 
> dummies style if ya can.  thanx.   roy
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Lloyd Kvam
Venix Corp.
1 Court Street, Suite 378
Lebanon, NH 03766-1358

voice:	603-443-6155
fax:	801-459-9582

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